

Easily Accessible for You

At Camstro, we strive to ensure that everyone who visits feels welcome and finds the experience rewarding, regardless of ability or circumstance.

Our Commitment

Camstro adheres to stringent accessibility guidelines (WCAG 2.0 Level AA). We prioritize these standards in designing and developing new features. Our site undergoes internal testing and periodic accessibility audits by industry experts to enhance its usability.

Features and content provided to by third parties are expected to meet these guidelines, excluding user-generated content.

How We Achieve This

We are committed to achieving and maintaining Level AA accessibility. While some areas may still need improvement, here's how we’re working to enhance accessibility:

  • Adding alt text to images that lack it.
  • Only embedding text in images when absolutely necessary and ensuring that this text is accessible to assistive technologies.
  • Updating typography to improve color contrast for better readability.

We Want to Hear from You

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the accessibility of, please email us at We will address your concerns as soon as possible.